Thursday, 13 October 2011


God is good all the time and all the time...

We are giving glory back to Him in our lives.Even though He has gifted and talented us,we are learning to obey Him in our calling.Whenever He calls us,whatever He wants us to do,wherever He directs us to go,we are saying YES because He has the best for us...

We are carrying the Gospel depending on Him no matter the circumstances.On 7th October 2011,we were invited to minister to an overnight at N'Sambya Worship Center;this is an Ugandan Church which organizes a night of praise and worship once a year,and they always invite us to be part of them.

It started from 10:00pm-6:00am,a good time of praise and worship.

 We really experienced the power of God moving and we were happy to be used by Him in displaying his LOVE to his people.We related to everyone,moved by faithful-obedience,He used us as instruments for his GLORY...The preacher of the night said:"When we worship God in spirit and truth,we can't remain the same."

We discovered that God needs also our love,our attention and our affection,then we refreshed,repented of our selfishness,we sat down and humbled ourselves before Him,connecting to His heart's desires.

It was a good time to be concentrated and everyone found himself closed to the Father,worshiping Him as God.We saw men and women bowing down before Him expressing their gratitude to Him that made them,that didn't  love them in words only,but also in did by giving his only begotten son to us.

God is so so good, He deserves our praise and He is worthy of our worship.

Let His Spirit  have his way in you and guide you as you worship.


"In Him was life and the life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it."

1 comment:

  1. It is so encouraging and amazing to hear how Go is using you! thank you for sharing this!!! God is good all the time and all the time GOD IS GOOD!!!!!
