Saturday, 7 May 2011


Enter the World of the Dove Voice Band!
May 7, 2011

Pushed out of our native country of Congo, a group of men who were largely refugees to the west, we settled in Uganda. Colonized by France, we found ourselves drowning in the language of English since Uganda was colonized by the British.  Along with our communication challenge, we found it difficult to either attend school or get jobs.  We had a strong background in the Church ... and it was there that we found that we enjoyed making music together.

Between 15 and 20 young men have been composing, singing, and making music together over the past two years from the capital city of Kampala, Uganda.  We have relied on the strong musical heritage of our mother country.  We have benefited from the support of our families and church.  We have even found some help from friends from the United States in the past year.

It's time that we make ourselves and our music available to those who have just learned about us or want to learn about us or who have yet to even hear about us.  Welcome to our blog!

Our music is intended to exalt Jesus Christ.  We have no ambition to make a name for ourselves to generate a business from our music abilities.  We want to lift up the name of Jesus.  The Bible says that the Holy Spirit's purpose is to exalt Jesus Christ.  We have chosen the name "Dove Voice" as a musical expression of the Holy Spirit to exalt Jesus Christ.  When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, a voice from Heaven was heard as a dove appeared over the head of Jesus saying, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."  Our ambition is to hear the same pleasure of the Father over our music.  We want Jesus to be exalted and the Father pleased as His Son is lifted up.

2010 at Sports View Hotel


  1. hongera marafiki, muzidi kudumu katika bwana, mutabarikiwa.
    je suis tres ravi de vous voir chanter pour le Seigneur.ou que nous soyons, nous vous aiderons a faire la promotion de l'Evangile a travers la chanson.
    Axel Muzaliwa

  2. Merci beaucoup Armel, merci de nous avoir aime.Dieu est grand et nous dependrons toujours de Lui tout au long de notre parcours ici bas, merci de nous avoir souteni ainsi. Que Dieu vous benisse!
